Workers’ compensation changes might be coming

On Behalf of | Jul 7, 2016 | Workers' Compensation

Changes to the workers’ compensation program in Florida might be changing. The proposed changes are being pounced upon by the Florida Chamber of Commerce because there is a chance that the changes could slow job growth in the state.

The changes that are proposed have to do with the rates that businesses pay to get the coverage they are required to have. The current proposal seeks a rate increase of almost 20 percent. That comes upon the heels of the proposed rate increase of 17 percent that was presented in May.

If the rate hike proposal is approved, it would go into effect at the beginning of October. The Florida Chamber of Commerce president is concerned that the rate hike that is proposed would force small businesses to choose between hiring new employees and paying their workers’ compensation rates.

Small businesses in the state create two of every three jobs here. Not being able to count on job growth from small businesses could be devastating.

People who are backing the rate hike note that one reason for it is because of the June 9 ruling that the statutory limitation of 104 weeks for temporary total disability violates an injured worker’s right to access the courts.

Workers who are injured at work count on workers’ compensation benefits to make ends meet. Getting coverage for medical bills related to the accident and missed wages is crucial for the injured worker. If you were injured on the job and need to find out your options for compensation or representation during your case, it is imperative that you get the help you need right away.

Source: Health News Florida, “Insurance Council Seeks Bigger Hike In Workers’ Compensation Rate,” July 04, 2016


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