Most people know that smoking cigarettes is very harmful to your health. If you watch television, you probably see the public service announcements all the time. What you might not realize is that smoking cigarettes isn't harmful only to the smoker, but it is also...
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Dog bite cases can be complex
In our previous blog post, we discussed how Florida law doesn't look kindly on dog bites. We briefly touched on the law and how it has evolved over the years. As it stands today, dog owners have a duty to protect people from being bitten by their dogs.We know that if...
Dog bites are taken very seriously in Florida
Since the 1890s, Florida law has taken dog bites very seriously. Prior to then, the law placed a huge burden on the plaintiff in dog bite cases. The plaintiff had to show that the dog owner knew that the dog was vicious or that the dog had a history of viciousness....