Being injured at work usually means that you will need to file for workers’ compensation if the injury is severe enough that you require medical care and might need to miss work as you heal. Interestingly, not all claims for workers’ compensation benefits stem from an accident that led to an injury. Some of the claims made are based on an illness that is caused by conditions that occur while you are at work. Understanding what types of injuries and illnesses might be covered under workers’ compensation is crucial if you are planning on filing a claim.
Where did the injury or illness occur?
Worker’s compensation claims are only valid for injuries or illnesses that occurred while you were working. That means that you can’t file a workers’ compensation claim for an injured shoulder if that injury occurred while you were at home and not working. Interestingly, if that shoulder injury occurred at a company event, such as a party, you could still claim workers’ compensation benefits. If you are engaging in horseplay while you work, injuries stemming from that might not be covered.
What kinds of injuries and illnesses are compensable?
Any injury or illness that occur because of work-related duties is compensable. An example would be if you are exposed to second-hand smoke at work and are diagnosed with a respiratory illness or lung cancer, you may be able to seek workers’ compensation benefits. In some cases, even mental health issues would be compensable.
It is crucial that you understand if your injuries or illness would qualify for workers’ compensation, as this can help you decide how to proceed with your claim.
Source: FindLaw, “What Types of Injuries are Compensable Under Workers’ Compensation?,” accessed March 31, 2016