Why and where motorcycle accidents happen

On Behalf of | Mar 25, 2022 | Motorcycle Accidents

Individuals often express strong opinions about motorcycle riding. No matter your choice to get in the saddle, black leather apparel and the sound of loud pipes are sure to increase as temperatures climb.

You might swear by the healing power of wind therapy or travel solely on four tires. Either way, safety should remain paramount.

Three myths about biker fatalities

No matter the type of motor vehicle, traveling includes the possibility of accident involvement. However, statistics suggest caged drivers may present the real danger for bikers.

Motorcycles constitute a mere 3% of registered vehicles across the United States, but related accidents claim more than 5,000 lives every year. Despite the rough exterior and rowdy perception of the motorcycle world, there are some profound misconceptions to consider for safely sharing the road this summer. For example:

  • Bikers crash because they’re exceeding their skill level. Riding a motorcycle continually presents challenges and learning opportunities, but do fatal accidents happen because bikers push their limits? Not necessarily, as data shows more than half of motorcycle deaths involve another vehicle. Other drivers may share in that responsibility.
  • Most accidents happen after dark. According to the National Safety Council, daylight is no respecter of safety; the number of bike fatalities is divided equally between daylight and nighttime.
  • Fatal incidents frequently relate to lousy weather. Rainfall and strong winds can reduce visibility and make riding uncomfortable, but inclement conditions aren’t statistically connected to a high number of fatalities. Nearly 90% of bikers lose their lives while riding when clear skies call for putting the kickstands up.

Additionally, alcohol impairment is not a factor in the majority of deadly motorcycle accidents.

Protection after your bike goes down

No matter what kind of motorcycle you ride, you likely already understand the importance of safety gear. Your gloves, boots and jacket can help protect you from road rash, but they’re no match for negligent drivers around you.

Most accidents involve various contributing factors that can result in broken bones, a traumatic brain injury, paralysis – or worse. Should the need arise, you and your family have the right to ask questions about how to protect your interests.


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